Monday, March 10, 2014

Arduino Step Sequencer

I was wondering about on making a sequencer, a big 16 step sequencer was what I wanted to make. To it's full extension with lots of features including single leds for each step, midi input and output, etc. Then I realised that I should start from a more basic model and then maybe tweak around to see what I can do. So while surfing the web and between other small sequencer projects I found this arduino sequencer, named "arduino punk console" after the simple tone output device from the 555 (atari punk console) and using the arduino as the tone generator.
So here goes a simple project which can later be modified and used in different projects, check last step for more detail on stuff to do with this sequencer.
Schematic, code and original idea is from Beavis Audio, everything can be found at there website:

Here is a little preview video I made:


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