Monday, March 10, 2014

Arduino Thermometer,7-Segment

Arduino Thermometer(7-Segment)

Using a dual 7-segment display, a DS18B20 temperature sensor and a couple of shift registers I figured that I could build a digital thermometer.


Step 1: Temperature Sensor

The sensor I'm using is the DS18B20, it's a 3pin sensor that just requires a single input pin from the arduino. Multiple sensors can be hooked together, however I'm just using one for this project. As with a lot of different sensors there's a handy library that makes it particularly easy to get the temperature in centigrade or fahrenheit, it's the Dallas_Temperature library available here and a spec sheet for the sensor available from maxim.

To connect it to the arduino connect the ground pin on the sensor to a ground pin on the arduino, put a 4.7k resistor between pin 2 and pin 3 on the sensor, connect pin 3 to 3.3v from the arduino and then connect pin 2 to digital input on the arduino. Once this is done, we're ready to read the temperature!

Step 2: Controlling the Display

I chose to use a dual 7-segment , it didn't take long to figure out the pin outs, however an issue was the number of pins this would require from the arduino if I hooked it up directly, a massive 16. With two shift registers hooked up together this could reduce the number of pins required to only 3, as the two shift registers require on

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